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Anti Slavery Policy

1. Introduction

At Chilink Massage Chair, we are dedicated to minimizing the risk of modern slavery within our own operations, supply chain, or any other business associations.

This Anti-Slavery Policy (“Policy”) applies to all individuals working for or on behalf of the Group, irrespective of their roles, including employees, directors, officers, and business partners. Business associates encompass any entity engaging in or intending to engage in business transactions with the Group, such as vendors, suppliers, agents, consultants, contractors, and others acting on behalf of the Group.

We expect all parties involved or seeking involvement with the Group to acquaint themselves with this policy and conduct themselves in alignment with our values.

2. Modern Slavery

Modern slavery encompasses various forms, including but not limited to:

– Slavery: where individuals are treated as property.

– Servitude: the imposition of service obligations through coercion.

– Forced and compulsory labor: work obtained through threats of force or penalties.

– Human trafficking: facilitating travel for exploitation purposes.

– Child labor: employing children in exploitative or hazardous conditions that interfere with their well-being or development.

All forms of modern slavery entail depriving individuals of their freedom for exploitation, violating fundamental human rights.

3. Commitment

The Group maintains a zero-tolerance stance on modern slavery, committed to ethical and integrity-driven business practices. We strive to implement robust systems and controls to prevent modern slavery within our operations and supply chains.

To reinforce this commitment, the Group intends to:

– Ensure compliance with fair wage policies surpassing minimum wage standards.

– Include anti-slavery provisions in contractual agreements.

– Encourage suppliers to uphold similar standards and reserve the right to terminate contracts for policy violations.

– Establish transparent grievance mechanisms for all individuals.

4. Breaches of this Policy / Responsibilities / Policy Compliance

Preventing, detecting, and reporting modern slavery is the responsibility of all individuals associated with us. Any activity hinting at policy breaches must be avoided. Failing to manage modern slavery risks effectively can lead to severe regulatory, reputational, and humanitarian consequences.

Individuals are obligated to report any suspicion or breach of this policy promptly. We encourage openness and support genuine concerns raised in good faith, ensuring no retaliation against whistleblowers.

5. Breaches of this Policy

Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action, including dismissal for serious breaches. Full cooperation in investigating suspected breaches is expected from all employees.

6. Status of this Policy

This Policy will undergo regular reviews and updates to align with legal and operational requirements.

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